Robotic Myomectomy


Robotic Surgery in Pakistan is now available

With our expert yet well-qualified Gynaecologist Surgeon in Lahore, we bring world-class treatment techniques to our patients.

Robotic Myomectomy

If you want to treat your disease in a best possible way, you must undergo a Robotic Surgery.

Robotic Myomectomy Overview

Robotic myomectomy is a robotic-assisted surgical technique that removes uterine fibroids (uterine leiomyomas) that can cause pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding, or infertility.

Robotic myomectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that provides the most effective and least invasive treatment for uterine fibroids.

Our surgeons perform robotic myomectomy using the advanced CMR Surgical System.

Robotic Myomectomy

Myomectomy, sometimes called myomectomy, is a surgical procedure in the uterus to remove fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. Additionally, this procedure can be done using traditional open surgery, minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, hysteroscopic surgery, or robotic surgery.

Laparoscopic myomectomy involves inserting a hysteroscope through the cervix. Moreover, laparoscopic myomectomy uses a small incision. A small tube with a camera, lights, and surgical instruments is inserted. That provides a video view of the area as the surgeon removes the fibroids.

Our hospital performs robotic myomectomy using the RMS Surgical System. This advanced robotic technology enables specially trained surgeons to perform precise, minimally invasive reconstructions of the uterine wall, regardless of the size or location of the fibroids. This fibroid surgery is performed through several small incisions 1-2 cm long in the abdomen, and robotically controlled instruments are introduced.

Procedure Of Robotic Myomectomy

Surgeons sit in front of a console with hand and foot controls controlling the CMR system's robotic arms. The surgeon operates, not the equipment. With the help of robotic arms, surgeons can perform precise and calculated movements that are impossible with human hands alone.

With the 3D view, the surgeon can view the surgical area at any time. As the surgeon's hand moves during the procedure, the robot repeats the same motion on the patient, translating the surgeon's movement into a much smaller action inside the abdominal cavity. With upgraded software, the robot's arm eliminates any vibrations that the surgeon's hand may cause and allows him to perform complex movements in confined spaces that are impossible with traditional or laparoscopic procedures.

Benefits of Robotic Myomectomy

For many patients, robotic myomectomy offers the most effective and least invasive treatment for fibroids. It often allows women to remain fertile throughout their reproductive years with a faster recovery time than traditional laparotomy. Potential advantages of robotic myomectomy over traditional open myomectomy include:

Other points to skip:

  • Preservation of chances of a future pregnancy
  • Better removal of fibroids with low risk of recurrence
  • Reduce pain
  • Reduce blood loss
  • Less trouble
  • Less scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster recovery time.

As with any surgery, these benefits cannot be guaranteed because surgery is patient and procedure specific. Although myomectomy using the CMR Surgical System is considered safe and effective.


Being only gynecological robotic surgeon In Pakistan, We Bring The Advance Treatment Techniques Under The Supervision Of The Best Robotic Surgeons In Lahore, Pakistan;

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