Pregnancy Care


Hoping its a good news…?? Come, visit us today…!!!!!


If you are or think you may be pregnant, our obstetric team is here for you. We make sure you and your infant receive the best possible care.

Women, when going through a particular procedure like pregnancy, need to take good care of themselves and their babies.

Crucial care is essential when trying to conceive, getting pregnant, or going through 9 months duration to avoid complications. 

With proper care and treatment before, during, and after pregnancy. You and your baby will have enjoyable ending of this crucial period.

Symptoms during pregnancy

We will discuss with you how to handle common illnesses you feel every day, such as:

  • Morning sickness
  • Back pain, leg pain, and other pain during pregnancy
  • Sleep problems
  • Skin and hair changes
  • Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy

Here to be noted that no two pregnancies are the same. Some women experience few or mild symptoms during pregnancy. Many women work during term and travel during pregnancy. Others may have to reduce hours or stop working. Some women need a few days or weeks of bed rest to continue a healthy pregnancy.

If you have any symptoms that make you feel like you are conceiving 

Try to visit our hospital immediately…!!!!

What can you do to ensure your fetus is safe?

Our Gynecologist will take care of your pregnancy and delivery. Gynecologists provide prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum services.

Pre-Pregnancy Care and Prenatal Care

We provide preconception or pre-pregnancy care in which a woman receives care before she becomes pregnant. 

Early and regular prenatal care with a healthcare provider is vital for the health of the mother and fetus. Preconception care is also crucial to help women have the best possible pregnancy.

Ideally, it would help if you talked to us before you started trying to conceive. We will give you complete guidelines and health plans for a better journey. Prenatal care is not particularly important if you have any personal medical issue, abnormal kids in the family but at the same time if you have family history of diabetes, hypertension or clotting disorder at the same time. Guide lines and health plans that we will give you before getting pregnant(with all these conditions) will result in avoidance of many complications to you and your baby later on during pregnancy. Without pre pregnany care many complications are unavoidable.

You should contact best Gynaecologist in Lahore to get best guidance for prenatal care.


Find out here if you are pregnant or not.

Pregnancy is confirmed through hormones by analyzing the urine. Come to us for the most reliable test reports on the spot.

You can take a pregnancy test any time after your period is delayed, which is the best time. If you miss your period or think you may be pregnant, it is best to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible.

The sooner you know you're pregnant, the sooner you'll start thinking about your options and getting the care you need to stay healthy.

Diagnostic Tests During Pregnancy

Some diagnostic tests that are recommended during pregnancy:

  • Ultrasound; to see how your baby is growing and help determine the birth date. 
  • Blood tests include Rh and ABO for anemia, gestational diabetes, fetal DNA, sexually transmitted diseases, and infectious diseases (hepatitis B, syphilis, and HIV).
  • Baby echocardiography to examine the fetal heart rate.
  • Amniocentesis; for birth defects and genetic problems.
  • Neck transparency test to check for genetic problems in your infant.


 If you are contemplating pregnancy or becoming pregnant, we will provide you with a daily supplement and recommend Folic acid, which can reduce the risk of congenital disabilities. 

  • Do not self-medicate (OTC).
  • Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs, and reduce caffeine intake.
  • Quit smoking.

Follow up session

Prenatal visits and exams: You must visit your doctor several times during pregnancy for prenatal care. Depending on when:

  • First-trimester care
  • Second-trimester car
  • Third-trimester care

Talk to an expert gynecologist about the different tests you may have during pregnancy. These tests can help your Gynecologist understand how your baby is developing and any problems with your pregnancy. 

If you have a family history, you may choose to be screened for genetic problems. There are many things to consider before getting a genetic test. A doctor can help you decide if this is right for you.

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you may need to visit your doctor more frequently and have additional tests.


Complications during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a complex process. While many women enjoy a normal pregnancy, complications can arise. However, difficulties do not mean you will not have a healthy baby. This means that both (We, You) have to pay more attention and take specific care of the mother and newborn for the remainder of your term.

Call our expert Gynecologist immediately if you are facing any complications as given below:

  • Fever, chills, or pain when urinating,
  • Vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, Severe physical or emotional trauma, water cracking (membrane rupture)
  • You face problems during pregnancy, are diabetes, thyroid disease, seizures, or high blood pressure.
  • You may have been exposed to sexually transmitted infections, chemicals, radiation, or unusual pollutants.
  • In the half of your pregnancy, notice that your baby is moving less or not.
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy (preeclampsia). If you have preeclampsia.
  • Early changes in the cervix.


Postpartum Care

While most of the attention on pregnancy care is focused on the nine months, postpartum care is also essential. The postpartum period lasts six to eight weeks and begins immediately after the baby is born.

Mothers undergo many physical and emotional changes during this time as they learn to care for their newborns. Postpartum care includes rest, nutrition, and proper vaginal care as well as family planning services.

Our health professionals will guide you on everything related to your issues or any concerns about your health. 

After delivery, new mothers will have complete guidelines on how to take care of their baby (including breastfeeding, bathing, and holding), how can you can control you post delivery stress, and which family planning method is best for you.

No significant hurdles when you have professionals with you,

Make your Pregnancy A Breath of Fresh Air With our Exceptional Care


As an expert Gynaecologist in Lahore, we advise you on which is best for you, whether it's a surgical or nonsurgical treatment.

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